I know this is going to sound kind of crazy, but I had a total change of heart on my cover and have a NEW cover to reveal. :) I did love the original cover I purchased, but I decided I wanted to go in a slightly different direction with the series branding, since I […]
Category: News
Cover and title reveal!
I’ve been holding off releasing the title or book cover but realized today that the cover designer had already posted the book to their portfolio so it doesn’t seem all that necessary to keep it under wraps any longer. :) So, the title of my book is Alpha Next Door. I’ve had this title in […]
Pushing for a May 31st release date!
So, I’m pushing for a May 31st release date for the first book in my new series under this new pen name! It’s taken me much longer than I planned originally to get here, but I wanted to be sure I’d be able to deliver the series books in a timely manner once I released […]
I have a title and a cover
So I now have the cover for my book, and of course, that means I have my title. I’m facing the irrational fear now that someone else will use the same title and it’ll be a big hit and I’ll feel completely weird about releasing my book. Irrational, I know, but I’m sure it happens. […]
Holidays have come early for me
I’ve approved the cover for my book! I’m thrilled with how it turned out and I can’t wait to have it in hand. Of course, the book isn’t ready yet and since I don’t have a release date, I’m not planning to reveal the cover (or title) just yet. But soon!
Lynne Sterley’s debut book
I’ll be releasing my first book as Lynne Sterley soon and I’m very excited! This story has been so fun to write and I can’t wait to release it out into the world. Just a few months to go! (Scratch that. I decided to wait and be sure I have enough time to actually write some follow up […]