WOLF IN THE HOUSE by Lynne Sterley
The Reave Pack (#2)
June 2016
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Werewolf mating season is coming and the Reave pack is on the hunt for mates…
Jane Suggs has just moved back in with her parents, into a haunted mansion in Gambel County, and although she’s on an extended break from college, she has no intention of making her new living situation permanent—she’ll be leaving Gambel just as soon as she can figure out a new plan.
Meeting Blake Reave—hot, sexy, and obviously someone used to getting any girl he wants—isn’t going to change her mind. Still, she makes a rash decision to give in to the powerful attraction between them. What’s the harm, when it’s clear they’re both just looking for a little fun?
But Blake Reave has a secret. He’s a werewolf, and the long awaited werewolf mating season is only eleven months away. Claiming a mate is the most important thing he’ll ever do for his pack, and his choices are limited to the women capable of mating with his kind.
Blake doesn’t need a one-night stand; he needs a mate. And Jane just happens to be the one he wants…
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Wolf in the House was a finalist in the Laterpress Genre Fiction Contest!